playCEA Discord Bot Guide


This bot is designed to be added to your team's and/or your company's Discord servers. The bot will allow you to interface with certain aspects of playCEA. Get match results, do some light scouting, get your opponents' Discord IDs, check on your company's multiple teams, and more. Right now, the bot will support any of the CEA tournament titles except for Chess, Call of Duty, and Apex Legends. You can always check which games are currently supported by the bot by checking via the game parameter. Included is a feedback command which sends your text and Discord ID (in case we need to follow up with you) back to the CEA development Discord server where it is being actively monitored. Please let us know how it's going, what you like, what you don't like, you name it. Don't hold back! The bot can only get better by learning from you.

Available below is a guide to adding the playCEA bot to your server as well as available commands and their valid parameters.


Installation guide

To add the playCEA Discord bot to your own server, just click this link to be taken to a Discord webpage (you may need to login) and select the server you'd like to add the bot to. Note: you must have the necessary "Manage Server" permissions attached to your Discord ID in the server where you're trying to add the bot for it to appear on this list. You can then manage the bot's role within your own Server Settings to control where and how the bot interacts with your server and your users.


List of commands with [Paramaters]

Below are a list of commands the bot will support, valid parameters, and a description of the command.

/cea team [team:<team name>] [org:<company name>] [player:<player discord name, no discriminator>] [game:<game name>] [post:True/False]
Looks up information about a team, including the roster.

/cea next [team:<team name>] [org:<company name>] [player:<player discord name, no discriminator>] [game:<game name>] [post:True/False]
Looks up the next match for a team.

/cea history [team:<team name>] [org:<company name>] [player:<player discord name, no discriminator>] [game:<game name>] [post:True/False]
Looks up the match history for a team.

/cea stats [team:<team name>] [org:<company name>] [player:<player discord name, no discriminator>] [game:<game name>] [post:True/False]
Looks up the performance statistics for a team.

/cea scouting [team:<team name>] [org:<company name>] [player:<player discord name, no discriminator>] [game:<game name>] [post:True/False]
Looks up the next match for a team, as well as history and statistics for both teams involved.

/cea round [game: <game name>] [week: <week number>] [post:True/False]
Shows the current state of a round, including all match scores.

/cea standings [game: <game name>] post: [true/false]
Shows the current standings for a game, along with default tiebreaker information.

/cea feedback feedback:<your feedback>
This provides feedback to the bot developers so we can know what to fix/improve, and what you already like.

Parameters Description:

no parameters: The user running the command will be used to find teams they are a member of.
team: A filter for the name of the teams to view information for.
org: A filter for the name of a company to view information for teams from that company.
player: A filter for the name of a player, to view information for teams they are a member of.
game: A filter for the game to view information for.
week: The number of the week for which you wish to view information.
post: A boolean value indicating whether or not to post the information in the chat, visible to everyone in the channel.

Example command Usage:

/cea team team: ninjacats
/cea team org: general game: Rocket League
/cea team player: mash
/cea standings game: Valorant
/cea round game: Rocket League week: 1

*note in some servers posting results may be disabled to avoid noise to other users. Results will always be returned to the user ephemerally in this situation.