Each season, hundreds of teams form across the country to play in the CEA together. Whenever a large group of people gather to do something, confusion abounds. The job of a Game Lead is to help people sort through the confusion and give them a great experience in the process.
The perks:
- Monetary stipend per season worked.
- Opportunity to meet and hang out with esports athletes, casters, and personalities you’ve seen on stream, as well as a peek behind the curtain of esports
- The chance to join the CEA in making a difference in great causes around the world
In general, a Game Lead should:
- Have some working knowledge of the game they lead. They should know how to make custom matches in that game.
- Be available to answer questions via Discord each game day (Saturday) during the season.
- Feel confident in conflict resolution between competitors
- Be active on Discord
- Keep a friendly demeanor and a positive attitude. We’re all here to have fun.
Experience as a tournament admin is great but unnecessary. CEA provides training.
Game Lead responsibilities are not time consuming. We estimate that the job of a Game Lead, Monday through Friday of the regular season, should take about an hour each week, and another hour or two hours on Saturdays during matches.
During the week, a Game Lead should:
- Ensure that matches are posted by Tuesday morning
- Ensure that lineups are submitted (for games that require them)
- Answer questions posed by players within 24 hours
On Saturdays, the CEA meets to discuss the general state of tournament affairs and games are played.
On Saturdays, Game Leads:
- Attend a (very brief!) CEA meeting and provide an update on their game.
- Settle any disputes that arise within their game