Call of Duty Rulebook

Last Modified: April 5, 2023

These rules are subject to change at the administrator’s discretion. If rules should change, all captains will be notified accordingly.

The Handbook’s General Rules apply to all CEA games, please read them first! However, any direct contradictions mentioned in this Call of Duty-specific rulebook take precedence.

I. CoD: Overview

  1. Player Eligibility: All players participating in Call of Duty competitions must be in good standing with respect to Activision as well as at least one of BattleNet, XBLive, or PlayStation Network accounts ("Player Accounts"), with no undisclosed violations of Activision’s End User License Agreement. Only registered team members playing under their own account are allowed to play for a team.
  2. Team Roster Size: A team consists of 4-10 participants. Rules for qualifications for rostered members can be found in CEA general rules.
    1. After the beginning of Regular Season play (Week 1 matches), a player rostered on a team may not transfer to another roster within the same company for the same game without the Game Lead’s approval.
      1. The main circumstance permitting a transfer would be a team losing players and falling below the minimum team size.
      2. Companies with multiple teams playing the same game may have players on multiple rosters as outlined in the general rules under "Team Eligibility." Being a floater is not considered transferring.
    2. After Week 5, removing players from the roster does not free up additional spots.
  3. Registration: The COD registration fee will be $160 per team. The captain pays this fee during registration on the CEA website.
  4. Game Version: All players must have their game up to date with the latest patch.
  5. Weekly Structure:
    1. Monday: Matchups for the following weekend are distributed (assuming all previous round match results have been entered) and an ordered list of maps for the next week's matches is released. Captains should make contact, begin adding each other through Activision, and discuss reschedules if necessary.
    2. Saturday: All matches are played on Saturday starting at 11am Pacific (2pm Eastern).
      1. Reporting of all matches should be in no later than Sunday Midnight PST.
  6. Season Format: Exact season format will be announced before the season begins when we know the exact number of teams. This section will be updated along with an announcement email for all captains. There will be two at minimum two stages: Non-elimination Regular Season (~8 weeks) and Elimination Playoffs.
  7. Activision ID’s for team captains can be found on a Pinned message in the COD Discord. Captains will add each other via Activision before the match.

II. Season Schedule

CEA Spring 2023 Season Calendar

Week 0 is a mandatory practice week to prepare for regular season. While matchups will be made available, results will not count towards Regular Season standings

Regular Season:

  • Febuary 4: Week 0  
  • Febuary 11: Week 1
  • Febuary 18: Week 2
  • Febuary 25: Week 3
  • March 4: Week 4
  • March 11: Week 5
  • March 18: Week 6
  • March 25: Week 7
  • April 1: Week 8
  • April 8: OFF (Easter Weekend)
  • April 15: Week 9  
  • April 22: Week 10
  • April 29: Week 11
  • May 6: Week 12
  • May 13: OFF (Mother's Day)
  • May 20: Week 13
  • May 27: OFF (U.S. Memorial Day)
  • June 3: Week 14 (Extra Week)
  • June 10: Week 15 (Extra Week)
  • June 17: Week 16 (Extra Week)
  • June 24: Week 17 (Extra Week)


III. General Rules

  1. Team size required for all game modesl will be 4 vs 4 players. Must have a minimum of 3 players to avoid forfeit. 3 vs 4 is allowed if you choose to play.
  2. The match will be played in a custom playlist with the map(s) chosen by the map Pick & Ban system below.
  3. During the Regular Season, the Home Team is the team on the left in PlayCEA. During Playoffs, the team with higher seed (1 is higher than 2) will be Home.
  4. Home Team will have first, third, Fifth round host, Away has round 2 and 4
  5. Side choice will go to whichever team is not currently hosting the game
  6. Each weekends match will be a BO5 series.
  7. Mode Order
    1. Hardpoint
    2. Search and Destroy
    3. Control
    4. Hardpoint
    5. Search and Destroy
  8. Veto Process
    1. Hardpoint
      1. Home Team bans one map from pool
      2. Away Team bans one remaining map from pool
      3. Home Team picks Map 1 of the remaining maps
      4. Away Team picks side on Map 1
      5. Away Team picks Map 4 of the remaining maps
      6. Home Team picks side on Map 4
    2. Search & Destroy
      1. Away Team bans one map from pool
      2. Home Team bans one remaining map from pool
      3. Away Team picks Map 2 of the remaining maps
      4. Home Team chooses side on Map 2
      5. Home Team picks Map 5 of the remaining maps
      6. Away Team chooses side on Map 5
    3. Control
      1. Home Team bans one map
      2. Away Team picks Map 3 of the remaining maps
      3. Home Team chooses side on Map 3
  9. Playoffs /Finals
    1. For Rounds 1,2,3 We will continue on with Bo5 Format. Map Select/Veto process unchanged.
    2. Match Setup for Finals and 3rd Place Match
      1. Mode Order
        1. Hardpoint
          Search and Destroy
          Search and Destroy
          Search and Destroy
      2. Home Team will have first, third, Fifth, Seventh round host, Away has round 2, 4, and 6
      3. Side choice will go to whichever team is not currently hosting the game
      4. Veto Process
        1. Hardpoint
          1. Home Team bans one map from pool
          2. Away Team bans one remaining map from pool
          3. Home Team picks Map 1 of the remaining maps
          4. Away Team picks side on Map 1
          5. Away Team picks Map 4 of the remaining maps
          6. Home Team picks side on Map 4
        2. Search and Destroy
          1. Away Team bans one map from pool
          2. Home Team bans one remaining map from pool
          3. Away Team picks Map 2 of the remaining maps
          4. Home Team chooses side on Map 2
          5. Home Team picks Map 5 of the remaining maps
          6. Away Team chooses side on Map 5
          7. Remaining map is played for Map 7
          8. Home Team picks side on Map 7
        3. Control
          1. Home Team bans one map
          2. Away Team picks Map 3 of the remaining maps
          3. Home Team chooses side on Map 3
          4. Remaining map is played for Map 6
          5. Home Team chooses side on Map 6
  10. Substitute Players: There is no limit to the number of substitutes used from your roster. Substitutes can only join between maps, during a break. This means that in Best of 1, there are no substitutions.
  11. Scheduling/Forfeits: The first game of each round must begin at the specified time. See [General Rules] in the handbook for rescheduling rules and email: Scheduling changes must be submitted CEA Discord server ( by the team captain in the #reschedule-reporting channel if a reschedule is agreed upon by both teams ( if no agreed upon reschedule can be reached the default match time will be enforced ), Forfeits will be reported to the #forfeit-reporting channel in the CEA Discord server by the team captain.

IV. match settings

  1. Games for ease of setup should use default match set for creation. Call of Duty League Rules. Settings are listed below
  2. Game Mode: Search & Destroy
    1. Maps
      1. Al Bagra Fortress
      2. Breenbergh Hotel
      3. El Asilo
      4. Embassy
      5. Mercado Las Almas
    2. Game
      1. Round Time Limit: 1 M : 30 S
      2. Round Win Limit: 6 Rounds
      3. Win by Two Rule: Off
      4. Win by Two Max Rounds: 8 Rounds
      5. Round Switch: Every Round
      6. Match Start Time: 30 Seconds
      7. Round Start Time: 10 Seconds
      8. Skip Infil: On
      9. Practice Round: Off
      10. Input Swap Allowed: Off
      11. Codcaster: On
      12. Allow Callout Pings: On
    3. Advanced
      1. Bomb Timer: 45 Seconds
      2. Plant Time: 5 Seconds
      3. Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
      4. Multi Bomb: Off
      5. Silent Plant: On
      6. Reset Plant/Defuse Progress: On
      7. Manual Drop Carry Object: on
    4. Player
      1. Number of Lives: 1 Life
      2. Max Health: 100 (Normal)
      3. Health Regeneration: Normal
      4. Third Person View: Off
      5. Tactical Sprint: On
      6. Weapon Mounting: Off
      7. Allow Revives: Off
      8. Downed Health: 40 Points
      9. Downed Revived Health: Half (50)
      10. Downed Bleedout Timer: Unlimited
      11. Downed Revived Time: 2 Seconds
      12. Downed Give Up Time: 1 Second
      13. Team Revive Timeout: Unlimited
      14. Team Revive Time: 5 Seconds
      15. Team Revive Health: 30 (Hardcore)
      16. Show Enemy Death Location: Off
    5. Team
      1. Spectating: Team Only
      2. 3rd Person Spectating: Off
      3. Killcam: Off
      4. Final Killcam: Final Kill
      5. Enable Minimap: Yes
      6. Radar Always On: Off
      7. Weapon Pings on Minimap Enabled: UAV Only
      8. Weapon Pings on Compass: On
      9. Enemy on Compass: Off
      10. Respawn Delay: None
      11. Wave Spawn Delay: None
      12. Suicide Spawn Delay: None
      13. Force Respawn: On
      14. Team Assignment: On
      15. Friendly Fire: On
      16. Team Kill Punish Limit: Off
    6. Gameplay
      1. Force Same Loadouts: Off
      2. Care Package Drop Time: Off
      3. Spawn Camera: Off
      4. Tier 1 Mode: Off
      5. Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
      6. Headshots Only: Off
      7. Health Steal: Off
      8. Allow Field Upgrades: On
      9. Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
      10. Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
      11. Perks: On
      12. Killstreaks: On
      13. Round Retain Streaks: On
      14. Retain Streaks on Death: On
      15. Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
      16. Persistent Streak Progress: Off
      17. Wrap Killstreaks: Off
      18. Killstreak Lottery: Off
      19. Equipment Delay: Off
      20. Equipment Protection: 5 Seconds
      21. Battle Chatter: Off
      22. Announcer Dialog: On
      23. Dynamic Map Elements: On
  3. Game Mode: Hardpoint
    1. Maps
      1. Al Bagra Fortress
      2. Breenbergh Hotel
      3. Embassy
      4. Mercado Las Almas
      5. Zarqwa Hydroelectric
    2. Game
      1. Round Time Limit:: 5 Minutes
      2. Score Limit: 250 Points
      3. Match Start Time: 30 Seconds
      4. Skip Infil: On
      5. Input Swap Allowed: Off
      6. Codcaster: On
      7. Allow Callout Pings: On
    3. Advanced
      1. Points Per Kill: 0 Points
      2. Points Per Death: 0 Points
      3. Headshot Bonus Points: 0 Points
      4. Killstreak Kill Bonus Points: 0 Points
      5. Time To Capture Zone: Instant
      6. Zone Lifetime: 1 Minute
      7. Initial Activation Delay Time: Off
      8. Zone Activation Delay: Off
      9. Next Zone Reveal Time: 10 Seconds
      10. Zone Location Order: Linear
      11. Scoring: Constant
      12. Pause Time On Zone Captured: On
      13. Objective Team Spawn Delay :Off
    4. Player
      1. Number of Lives: 1 Life
      2. Max Health: 100 (Normal)
      3. Health Regeneration: Normal
      4. Third Person View: Off
      5. Tactical Sprint: On
      6. Weapon Mounting: Off
      7. Allow Revives: Off
      8. Downed Health: 40 Points
      9. Downed Revived Health: Half (50)
      10. Downed Bleedout Timer: Unlimited
      11. Downed Revived Time: 2 Seconds
      12. Downed Give Up Time: 1 Second
      13. Team Revive Timeout: Unlimited
      14. Team Revive Time: 5 Seconds
      15. Team Revive Health: 30 (Hardcore)
      16. Show Enemy Death Location: Off
    5. Team
      1. Spectating: Team Only
      2. 3rd Person Spectating: Off
      3. Killcam: Off
      4. Final Killcam: PotG
      5. Enable Minimap: Yes
      6. Radar Always On: Off
      7. Weapon Pings on Minimap Enabled: UAV Only
      8. Weapon Pings on Compass: On
      9. Enemy on Compass: Off
      10. Respawn Delay: 3.5 Seconds
      11. Wave Spawn Delay: None
      12. Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Seconds
      13. Force Respawn: On
      14. Team Assignment: On
      15. Friendly Fire: On
      16. Team Kill Punish Limit: Off
    6. Gameplay
      1. Force Same Loadouts: Off
      2. Care Package Drop Time: Off
      3. Spawn Camera: Off
      4. Tier 1 Mode: Off
      5. Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
      6. Headshots Only: Off
      7. Health Steal: Off
      8. Allow Field Upgrades: On
      9. Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
      10. Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
      11. Perks: On
      12. Killstreaks: On
      13. Round Retain Streaks: On
      14. Retain Streaks on Death: On
      15. Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
      16. Persistent Streak Progress: Off
      17. Wrap Killstreaks: Off
      18. Killstreak Lottery: Off
      19. Equipment Delay: Off
      20. Equipment Protection: Off
      21. Battle Chatter: Off
      22. Announcer Dialog: On
      23. Dynamic Map Elements: On
  4. Game Mode: Control
    1. Maps
      1. Breenbergh Hotel
      2. El Asilo
      3. Himmelmatt Expo
    2. Game
      1. Round Time Limit: 1 M : 30 S
      2. Round Win Limit: 3 Rounds
      3. Match Start Time: 30 Seconds
      4. Round Start Time: 10 Seconds
      5. Skip Infil: On
      6. Input Swap Allowed: Off
      7. Codcaster: On
      8. Allow Callout Pings: On
    3. Advanced
      1. Time to Capture Zone: 45 Seconds
      2. Extra Time: 1 Minute
      3. Disable Majority Capture Progress: On
      4. Maximum Capture Rate Multiplier: X4
      5. Suicide Lowers Team Lives:
      6. Number Of Lives: 30 Lives
      7. Overtime Defenders: Most Captures
      8. Pause Time On Zone Captured: On
    4. Player
      1. Number of Lives: 1 Life
      2. Max Health: 100 (Normal)
      3. Health Regeneration: Normal
      4. Third Person View: Off
      5. Tactical Sprint: On
      6. Weapon Mounting: Off
      7. Allow Revives: Off
      8. Downed Health: 40 Points
      9. Downed Revived Health: Half (50)
      10. Downed Bleedout Timer: Unlimited
      11. Downed Revived Time: 2 Seconds
      12. Downed Give Up Time: 1 Second
      13. Team Revive Timeout: Unlimited
      14. Team Revive Time: 5 Seconds
      15. Team Revive Health: 30 (Hardcore)
      16. Show Enemy Death Location: Off
    5. Team
      1. Spectating: Team Only
      2. 3rd Person Spectating: Off
      3. Killcam: Off
      4. Final Killcam: PotG
      5. Enable Minimap: Yes
      6. Radar Always On: Off
      7. Weapon Pings on Minimap Enabled: UAV Only
      8. Weapon Pings on Compass: On
      9. Enemy on Compass: Off
      10. Respawn Delay: 3.5 Seconds
      11. Wave Spawn Delay: None
      12. Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Seconds
      13. Force Respawn: On
      14. Team Assignment: On
      15. Friendly Fire: On
      16. Team Kill Punish Limit: Off
    6. Gameplay
      1. Force Same Loadouts: Off
      2. Care Package Drop Time: Off
      3. Spawn Camera: Off
      4. Tier 1 Mode: Off
      5. Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
      6. Headshots Only: Off
      7. Health Steal: Off
      8. Allow Field Upgrades: On
      9. Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
      10. Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
      11. Perks: On
      12. Killstreaks: On
      13. Round Retain Streaks: On
      14. Retain Streaks on Death: On
      15. Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
      16. Persistent Streak Progress: Off
      17. Wrap Killstreaks: Off
      18. Killstreak Lottery: Off
      19. Equipment Delay: Off
      20. Equipment Protection: Off
      21. Battle Chatter: Off
      22. Announcer Dialog: On
      23. Dynamic Map Elements: On
  5. Restricted Items. (While every effort is made to keep this list as up to date as possible it may lag behind changes made to the CDL profile in game. All games must be played with CDL profile and if that allows an item on this list to load then it will be considered a non-restricted item. The only exception to this rule is DLC or BP earned weapons. These are restricted 100% of the time. GA will not be enforced by CEA )   
    1. Primary Weapon
      1. Battle Rifles
        1. LACHMANN-762
        2. SO-14
        3. FTAC RECON
        4. TAQ-V
      2. Assault Rifiles
        1. M4
        2. Kastov-74u
        3. SSB 556
        4. ISO Hemlock
        5. Kastov 762
      3. SMGs
        1. Fennec 45
      4. Shotguns (All)
        1. LOCKWOOD 300
        2. EXPEDITE 12
        3. BRYSON 800
        4. BRYSON 890
      5. Light Machine Guns (All)
        1. SAKIN MG38
        2. HCR 56
        3. 556 ICARUS
        4. RAAL MG
        5. RPK
        6. RAPP H
      6. Marksman Rifles
        1. EBR-14
        2. SP-R 208
        3. LOCKWOOD MK2
        4. LM-S
        5. SA-B 50
        6. TAQ-M
      7. Melee
        1. Riot Shield
    2. Secondary Weapon
      1. Handguns
        1. P890
        2. .50 GS
        3. Basilisk
        4. X13 Auto
      2. Launchers (All)
        1. PILA
        2. STRELA-P
        3. JOKR
        4. PRG-7
    3.  Attachments
      1. Silencers (All)
      2. Lasers (All)
      3. Optic
        1. Thermal (All)
        2. Night Vision (All)
      4. Ammunition
        1. Armor Piercing (All)
        2. Frangible (All)
        3. Hollowpoint (All)
        4. Overpressured (All)
        5. Explosive (All)
        6. Incendiary (All)
        7. Snakeshot (All))
      5. Weapon Tuning (All)
      6. Underbarrels
        1. SPW 40MM
        2. Corvus Masterkey
    4. Tactical
      1. Shock Stick
      2. Decoy Grenade
      3. Spotter Scope
      4. Stim
      5. Heartbeat Sensor
      6. Snapshot Grenade
      7. Tear Gas
      8. Smoke Grenade
      9. Flash Grenade
    5. Leathal
      1. Proximity Mine
      2. Molotov Cocktail
      3. C4
      4. Claymore
      5. Thermite
      6. Throwing Knife
      7. Drill Charge
    6. Perks
      1. Overkill
      2. Tracker
      3. Strong Arm
      4. Extra Tactical
      5. Resupply
      6. Spotter
    7. Ultimate Perks (ALL)
      1. Hardline
      2. High Alert
      3. Ghost
      4. Quick Fix
      5. Overclock
      6. Survivor
      7. Birdseye
  6. Field Upgrades
    1. Tactical Camera
    2. Inflatable Decoy
    3. DDOS
    4. Deployable Cover
    5. Munitions Box
    6. Loadout Drop
    7. Portable Radar
    8. Tactical Insertion
    9. Battle Rage
    10. Recon Drone
    11. Smoke Airdrop
    12. Suppression Mine
    13. Anti-Armor Rounds
  7. Streaks
    1. UAV
    2. Bomb Drone
    3. Counter UAV
    4. Care Package
    5. Cluster Mine
    6. Mortar Strike
    7. Sentry Gun
    8. VTOL
    9. Overwatch Helo
    10. Wheelson-HS
    11. Stealth Bomber
    12. Chopper Gunner
    13. Emergency Airdrop
    14. Gunship
    15. Advanced UAV
    16. Juggernaut
  8. Any DLC and blueprint weapons are restricted.
    1. This includes free battlepass weapons
  9. Loading in with restricted and using DLC items will be enforced as such.
    1. Report must be made to CEA game lead after first round. Round FF will be issued. Do not wait until all rounds have been played to report.


V. glitches/cheating                 

  1. The tournament directions reserves the right, also retroactively, to add more bugs to the list of explicitly allowed bugs.
  2. The use of the following programs is considered cheating:
    1. Multihacks
    2. Wallhack
    3. Aimbot
  3. These are only examples, other programs or methods may be considered cheats as well.

V.I technical issues

  1. Players are encouraged to record their in-game perspective unless the recording causes server delay. The Game Lead will investigate server lag concerns.
  2. Disconnects: In the case that a player(s) disconnects, the team is allowed to continue to play the match at a disadvantage.
  3. Re-host: A re-host can only occur with Game Lead approval. Please contact the Game Lead via Discord to receive approval. In a re-hosted game each participant must choose the same side and operator as they picked at the start of the original round. Disconnects and lag issues will only qualify for a re-host if the issue occurs during the Preparation Phase. In the event of a game server crash, the Game Lead will determine next steps.

VII. Contact Info

  1. Discord Server:
  2. Email Contacts:
    1. Game and Rules related:
    2. Business, money, and sponsorship related:
    3. Other:
  3. Contacting other players
    1. Each player’s Activision ID will be available on playcea, linked to their account.
    2. There will be a document pinned to the COD Discord channel listing all of the captains’ Activision ID’s.