The top 16 placing players from the single elimination playoff bracket will receive scholarships in the following amounts:
1st: $15000
2nd: $7500
3rd: $2500
4th: $1000
5th to 8th: $250
9th to 16th: $100
Additionally, the highest scoring school overall will take home a trophy to commemorate their success.
School trophy will be awarded to the school with the most amount of points at the end of the tournament. Calculated by the below formula:
Every week of Swiss you will earn as points:
1/2^n * max(Wins - Losses, 0)
Where "n" is your rank within your own school. Wins and Losses are map win/losses.
Your rank is determined by your wins-losses for your school for the week. Ties will optimize for the maximum amount of points earnable for your school.