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Summer Chess 2021

End of Registration: July 5th
Groups announced: July 7th

Round 1: July 10th
Round 2: July 17th
Round 3: July 24th
Week 4 pairings announced: July 25th
Round 4: July 31st
Round 5: August 7th (only Group D)

Time Control:
Games are played with 25min+10sec increment time controls (Games are expected to take 1h) and we encourage players to jump on a call and network / analyze the game afterwards

Default play time: 10am PST
Games of Round 1-3 can happen any time between July 8th and July 25th but if a match is not played during its default time, the rescheduled day/time has to be set by the default play time.

Playing Platform:
Players can choose to play their matches on any platform but have to submit their chess.com username as default platform.

Match reporting:
It is the obligation of the winning player to submit the result of a game immediately after a game has been played. If a game ends in a draw, the white playing player has to submit the result.

Summer 2021 SEASON


Name Timezone Points
Bryson Galapon Hawaii Standard Time 0
Asa Witt EST 1
Timothy Horng MST 2
Xiaowen Wang PST 2


Name Timezone Points
Reid Pezewski CST 3
Steven Burnett MST 1
Dave Bianco PST 1
Eric Shyong PST 1


Name Timezone Points
Adam Chou MST 3
Adil Bey CEST 2
Eleanor Schalnat PST 0
Olin Miller PST 1



Name Timezone Points
Siddharth Parikh PST 1
Hitanshu Pande PST 0
Joshua Reed MST 0
Arun Bhati PST 0
Prakash Maurya PST 5
Han Zhu PST 0