Collegiate - League of Legends Rulebook

  • Rulebook

Last Modified: January 3, 2020

These rules are subject to change at the administrator’s discretion. If rules should change, all captains will be notified accordingly.

The Handbook’s General Rules apply to all CEA games, please read them first!


    1. Player Eligibility: All players participating in LoL competitions must have an active LoL (North America) account in good standing displayed on their tournament interface profile. Only registered team members playing under their own account are allowed to play for a team.
    2. Team Roster Size: A team may start the season with 5-12 participants. Rules for qualifications for rostered members can be found in CEA general rules.
      1. After the beginning of Regular Season play (Week 1 matches), a player rostered on a team in Guilded may not transfer to another roster within the same company for the same game with out the Game Lead's approval.
        1. The main circumstance permitting a transfer would be a team losing players and falling below the minimum team size.
        2. Companies with multiple teams playing the same game may have players on multiple rosters as outlined in the general rules under “Team Eligibility.” Being a floater is not considered transferring.
      2. After Week 5, removing players from the roster does not free up additional spots.
    3. Registration: The LoL registration fee will be $200 per team. The captain pays this fee during registration on the CEA website.
    4. Game Version: All players must have their game up to date with the latest patch.
    5. Weekly Structure:
      1. Monday: Matchups for the following weekend are distributed (assuming all previous round match results have been entered).
      2. Saturday : All matches are played on Saturday starting at 2pm Pacific (5pm Eastern).
    6. Season Format: Exact season format will be announced before the season begins when we know the exact number of teams. This section will be updated along with an announcement email for all captains. There will be two at minimum two stages: Non-elimination Regular Season (~8 weeks) and Elimination Playoffs.
    7. Tournament Codes: This tournament will employ the use of League of Legends Tournament Code feature.
      1. To receive your Tournament code for a match: navigate to the bracket and click on your team’s match. Copy the code.
      2. To use your team’s Tournament code for a match: Launch the League of Legends game client by clicking play, then selecting custom game, then selecting the trophy icon. Paste the code from the Guilded page


  1. Competition Method: 5 vs 5 Summoner’s Rift, Tournament Draft via Custom Game on the NA Server
  2. Game Winner: The result will be as shown on the post-game summary screen.
  3. Series Length:
    1. Matches will be best-of-one(1) during the regular season.
      1. By mutually consenting in text chat in the tournament interface, a match may be extended to a best-of-three(3).
      2. In the event a best-of-three(3) is mutually agreed upon, defer to rule 12 for choosing sides each round.
    2. Matches will be a best-of-three(3) for playoffs and elimination rounds with teams alternating sides after each game.
    3. Matches will be a best-of-five(5) for the grand finals with teams alternating sides after each game
  4. Restrictions: There are currently no item or hero restrictions.
  5. Home/Away team: During the regular season, home and away teams will be assigned weekly through the tournament interface. The team on the left side of the page is the Home team and corresponds to Blue Side. The team on the right side of the page is the Away team and corresponds to Red Side. During playoffs, sides will switch after each game.
  6. Bans/Picks: Snake draft format enforced by the Tournament Draft mode. All selections must be made through the in-game client. Draft mode proceeds in a snake draft format as follows: Blue Team= A; Red Team = B
    1. Bans: ABABAB Picks: ABBAAB Bans: BABA Picks: BAAB
  7. Substitute picks: Substitute picks are not permitted.
  8. Substitute players: Players are allowed to switch following the completion of a game. In other words, in a best-of-three series, Player 1 could play in game one, get switched for Player 2 for game two, and then come back to play game 3.
  9. Spectator slots: All games should be configured to allow spectators to allow CEA representatives and casters to participate in the game and address possible issues
  10. Scheduling/Forfeits: The first game of each round must begin at the specified time. See [General Rules] in the handbook for rescheduling rules and email: Scheduling changes must be submitted by the team captain in the #reschedule-reporting channel if a reschedule is agreed upon by both teams. Forfeits will be reported to the #forfeit-reporting channel by the team captain.
  11. Replays: The CEA requires the winning team of each LoL match to save and submit all replays through the website.
    1. Replays are due on Mondays.
      1. If you are unable to obtain your replays due to difficulties, please reach out to your opponent and/or game lead
    2. Reference:
  12. Playoffs/Finals: Higher seed teams will have the choice of sides on the first round. Round 2 will be chosen by the loser of round 1. 3rd round (if needed) will be the choice of loser of round 2.


Stoppage of Play

  1. Stoppage of Play Procedure: A player experiencing technical issues on either team may call for a restart of the game prior to Game of Record (see below) being established
    1. The player requesting the restart must be experiencing one of the following: a hardware malfunction (e.g. any equipment malfunction), physical disruption (e.g. breaking furniture), or game configuration problems (e.g. issues with runes, masteries, and/or summoner spells).
    2. They must then declare in all-chat for a restart. The game should be paused and the Game Lead should be contacted immediately.
    3. In the event of a game server crash, the Game Lead will determine next steps.
  2. Pauses
    1. A team may also pause to allow time for a teammate to reconnect after an unintentional disconnect
    2. Pauses should be limited to problems that can be solved in 1 minute
    3. They must then declare in all-chat the reason for the pause, or the request for a restart. In the event of a restart, the game should be paused and the Game Lead should be contacted immediately. In the event of pause abuse (use of pausing that affects game outcome without conforming to Stoppage of Play 2), the Game Lead should be contacted after the match.
    4. Total pause time should not exceed 10 minutes total elapsed time. (This can be extended with agreement for both captains, but not required)

Game of Record

  1. A game of record (“GOR”) refers to a game where all ten players have loaded and which has progressed to a point of meaningful interaction between opposing teams. Prior to this point, if a serious issue has occurred, players should pause the game and contact CEA administrators to assess the situation. Once a game attains GOR status, the game will be considered as “official” from that point onward. After the establishment of GOR, game restarts will be allowed only with CEA admin approval.

  2. Examples of conditions which establish GOR:

    1. Any attack or ability is landed on minions, jungle creeps, structures, or enemy Champions.

    2. Line-of-sight is established between players on opposing teams.

    3. Setting foot, establishing vision or targeting skillshot ability in opponent’s jungle by either team, which includes either leaving the river or entering brush connected to enemy jungle.

    4. Game timer reaches two minutes (00:02:00)



  1. Discord Server:
  2. Email Contacts:
    1. Game and Rules related:
    2. Business, money, and sponsorship related:
    3. Other: