We've revisited the floater rule and decided that allowing 1 floater per company over an entire tournament is insufficient both for large companies who have many teams, and also for games that require large team sizes. We have decided that for games that require 3 or 4 member minimum for a roster, we will allow 1 floater per 3 teams from a company. That 1 floater will only be allowed to play for those 3 teams, and additional sets of up to 3 teams from the same company will be allowed their own 1 floater. For games that require 5 or 6 members minimum for a roster, we will allow 2 floaters per 3 teams from a company. Each floater will still be a registered eligible player and must be listed on all rosters (up to 3) they could possibly play for, and each floater may still only play on 1 team per week. Any 1 floater may play for up to 3 teams, but in the case of 5 or 6 member minimum rosters, the 2 floaters are not required to be listed on the same set of teams. For example, in the case of a company who plays a 5-person MOBA, fields 6 teams (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), and uses 4 floaters (A, B, C, D): Say A is listed on 1, 2, 3 and B is on 4, 5, 6. C would not be required to play on the same set of teams as either A or B, and could be listed on up to 3 teams without regard to which teams have A and B. Say C is listed on 1, 3, 5, then D could be listed on 2, 4, 6 so each team has no more than 2 floater. Looking at a different example, a company with 4 teams in this game would still be eligible to have up to 4 floaters, and each floater would be eligible to roster on up to 3 teams, with the restriction that no team may have more than 2 floaters registered.